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tv   Action News  ABC  October 2, 2014 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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with a student. good morning, everyone, 5:30 on this thursday, david is off, well karen rogers, nydia han and matt pellman good morning. >> reporter: good morning, happy thursday, we have a good amount of cloud cover through the region, one or two spots may see a drizzle drop or two, otherwise it's a dry day today. some clouds are starting to break south and west of the city. 64 degrees pretty comfortable. 61 in allentown. some of the suburbs in the 50 50s. 57 in millville. on the boardwalk in ac starting off at 60 degrees, by 9:00 a.m., 67 degrees lots of clouds and some sunshine mixing in. by noon, 71 degrees with sunshine and clouds, by 7:00 -- 74 degrees that's the high today at 3:00 p.m. sunshine and clouds. pretty good looking day, it
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doesn't stay this way for the weekend, details coming up in the seven day, matt. >> reporter: that's not good news. >> reporter: no, sorry. >> reporter: well, what can we do? what can we do about this, a fire broke out at 3:30 in the northbound lanes of i-95 in the work zone near cottman avenue. that's the truck that was on fire. the rear tires were in flames. fire crews got out of there and extinguished the flames. at this point we have the truck on the scene, police remain out here, as well. investigating so the right lane is blocked, but with the two left lanes getting by through the work zone here we're not seeing delays yet and hopefully they can tow away the truck before too long. you see emergency crews out there, as well. this is the scene along i-95 delaware county. the southbound paving work cleared out on time. so all lanes open as you travel
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toward the delaware state line. they are paving on the boulevard, the inner drive is blocked. burlington bristol bridge crews return tonight at the p.m. with alternateing lanes in each direction. >> developing overnight, new ebola concerns in the united states has a patient in hawaii has been placed in isolation. plus, we are learning how hospital officials in dallas missed glaring warning signs about a confirmed ebola patient there. katherine scott is live gathering new information on this. >> reporter: in hawaii, health officials are monitoring a patient who has symptoms, however that is not a confirmed case of ebola. meanwhile, in dallas the first caseful ebola diagnosed on u.s. soil that man remains in
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isolation, 18 people in close contact with him are being monitored by health officials. thomas eric dunkin was in serious condition at texas health presbyterian hospital. he left lie briere with no symptoms -- liberia with no symptoms. four days after staying with family he began to show symptoms that's when his ebola would have been become contagious. 24 hours later he walked into an emergency room in dallas. his sister said he told a nurse he was visiting from liberia, but that the nurse never passed the information along. he was sent home. three days later he was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. now in hawaii they are monitoring a patient who may have symptoms of ebola. the patient is in isolation at the queens medical center.
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it is unlike a true case of ebola would make it to had a -- hawaii, but they have steps in place to make sure the public and the people are safe. health officials say the patient could be sick for any number of reasons, coming up in the next half-hour, hear what hospitals in our area are doing in the eventually of a possible case of ebola comes to their emergency room. katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> we'll see you in a half-hour. health officials are trying to determine if the intrieferls played a role -- entrovirus 68 played a role in the death of four people. a girl in rhode island is the latest fatality. four children in new jersey have confirmed cases of entrovirus 68 two in burlington county, the others in camden and morris counties. >> a closed down school caught
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fire overnight. take a look at brand new video from the scene on the 1200 block of west allegheny avenue. smoke can be seen from the second floor when firefighters arrived. they put out the flames and started ventilating the building. crews are trying to figure out what started the fire. philadelphia police say a driver was speeding when his car hit and killed a 7-year-old boy on a tioga nicetown street. the car hit the boy as he stepped out between two parked cars. the 52-year-old driver stopped, but didn't know he hit a child and backed up. the child ended up pinned under a tire. the driver and the person on the street tried jack up the car, but their efforts could not save the boy. a neighbor tried to console the driver's sister. >> i never experienced anything like. and i really feel sorry for the family.
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>> so far no charges have been filed, police say the accident is still under investigation. >> pennsylvania state flags are flying at half staff today in memory of fallen state trooper david kedra. his death remains under investigation. a seasoned state police instructor was handling a gun that misfired during a training session in plymouth township, on tuesday, fell troopers at the skippack barracks where kedra had been stationed spoke hierl of the officer. -- highly of the officer. kedra had recently purchased a home with his fiance in chester county. he was a graduate of roman catholic high school and temple university. >> a new jersey firefighter suspect behind bars accused of
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stealing from two different departments. cindy strauss was the treasurer of two departments. in 2011 she was honored is as the firefighter of the year. her father was the former lambertville fire chief. >> the sun is playing peek-a-boo. >> reporter: we'll see sunshine and clouds peek through, like you said. storm tracker 6 live double scan around the region we are dry. we had sprinkles especially along the coastline there, you can see them starting to move on out. let's head outside and show you what it looks like, sky6 live hd looking live at philadelphia international. we have lots of clouds, no real problems with fog, currently at philadelphia international, although there are some spots we're seeing low clouds.
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54 in reading. 56 in millville. it's cooler in the suburbs, but not a bad start to the day. satellite and radar showing we have a good amount of cloud cover through much region starting to break apart in philadelphia south and west right now you're getting clearer skies. it's that kind of morning you start with clouds and more sunshine as the day wears on. partly sunny skies in allentown, patchy fog, 72 degrees, one of the areas we're seeing patchy fog is the northwest suburbs. here we have our always on seven day off to the side of the screen, as well. in allentown, we're seeing a good amount of clouds to start you off, sunshine this afternoon, a high today of 70 degrees, as we look at the city today. temperatures a notch above average for this time of year, clouds and sunshine, 74 degrees with a northeasterly breeze 6 to 12 miles per hour. here's how the day plays out. 8:00 a.m., 66 clouds and sun, 11:00 a.m., 70 degrees, warming
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up to 73 by 2378, more sunshine filling in, 5:00 p.m., 73 degrees. a nice afternoon ahead. let's look forecast here looking at future tracker 6. we can advance this. the problem comes friday into the overnight hours into saturday. we can see the rain start, 1:30, the cold front trying to push through the region, this is saturday. the rain starts overnight friday into the wee hours of saturday morning. looks like at lunchtime it's trying to push out of here. because it's moving in west to east you'll see clearing first in the northwest suburbs saturday morning. it takes longer to clear along the coastline. saturday at 7:00 this model showing it's hugging the coastline. that rain is moving slower and slower as we've been tracking. clouds and sunshine this afternoon, 74 degrees for the high. union game tonight. yom kippur starts at sundown.
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friday we have rain and it could last into saturday for half of the day. sunday, october chill, 64. monday, not as cool. 72. tuesday, clouds and sunshine, 74 degrees the high with a chance for the sure. wednesday, mostly sunny skies, 72. today we have a lot of clouds starting us off. a nice afternoon ahead. >> next the verdict is in the retrial of the man who shot a florida teenager during an argument over loud music. >> stealing spree vehicles are missing key components at dealerships out west. >> reporter: vehicles on 422 are dealing with a good ride. overnight construction by trooper has cleared out, but the crews return at 7:00 p.m. we'll see in the tanker truck on i-95 is us can aing delays yet after the break. >> a medical mix up stay sperm
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bank leaves this couple not very happy. "action news" continues. #
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on my journey across america, i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair...
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i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you >> hello, everyone, 5:43, yes it is fall, 63 degrees on city avenue. it's going to be cloudy, thing will brighten up this afternoon with highs in the 70s.
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>> mattie pellman in the house, what's going on, matt? >> reporter: good morning to you nydia and matt. we have an issue on i-95, we've been watching an earlier tanker truck fire in the northbound lanes in the work zone at cottman avenue, fire long since extinguished, but they are out there investigating and so they have the right lane blocked north of bridge street. at this point there are no delays traveling northbound through the work zone, but if the truck stays out here very long those delays could form. some of the vehicles are starting to tap their brakes heading toward the work zone the volume building on the southbound span. let's get the suburban traffic report early on this thursday, almost friday morning. we want to remind you about the traffic pattern between 263 between meeting house and sugar bottom road, one lane in each
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direction all moving on the southbound side of the roadway. heads up in you're traveling 263. construction zone on the pennsylvania turnpike at willow grove has cleared out. someone reporting a pothole on 176 south as you head toward the pennsylvania turnpike watch out for that. a construction zone in lower merion 9 to 3, closing conshohocken state road stick with with montgomery or lancaster avenue as alternates. >> new this morning, philadelphia police made a quick arrest in the shooting of a teenager in the wissinoming neighborhood late last night. the action cam was along cottaging street where officers located the weapon. the gunman opened fire on 17-year-old girl who was sitting on the front steps. she has a gunshot wound to the arm and is in stable condition.
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stray bullets blasted two homes. no name on the person under arrest. >> new this morning, prosecutors in ferguson, missouri say they are investigating a twitter post they claim grand jury hearing evidence in the police shooting of michael brown have not seen enough evidence to prosecute the officer. a grand grand juror told a fried there isn't enough evidence to prosecute the officer. a prosecutor said there is no evidence that the tweet is credible. tweet and the twitter account has been deleted. >> a florida police officer is under investigation for using a stun gun on a woman who had her back to him. tallahassee police say two officers were trying to get the woman to keep away from a crime scene. one deployed the stun gun while trying to place her under
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arrest. that officer is on administrative leave. >> louisiana high school teenagers are accused of having sex with a teenage student. the teachers had a threesome with 16-year-old male and say it happened after a football game. the police say the student was a junior and looking into the possibility that he video taped or took pictures of the encounter. both teachers are facing felony charges. >> this story is new an ohio woman is suing a sperm bank because of a mix up that caused her to deliver a baby of a different race. she ordered a donor with blonde hair and blue eyes to resemble her partner, it wasn't until she became pregnant that they informed her she had received a sperm from a black man. >> chef not shown any compassion or ownership of this
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mistake. >> reporter: they say they love their child, but say they are concerned about comments from closed minded residents of their small midwestern town that's their words. the couple is seeking $50,000 in damages. >> time is 5:48. the jury delivers its verdict in the loud music murder trial in florida. >> the car thieves that are more interested in wheels than cars. >> reporter: testers are in the upper 50s, low 60s. the kids might want a jacket, this afternoon, high of 74. not too bad. details in
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down... lower... that's more like it! petsmart's prices on your favorite food brands just got lower! shop a wide assortment of food and save up to $8 on your favorite dog & cat food brands. at petsmart®. you tell. >> new this morning the search
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is on for wheeling and dealing bandits out west. they caught the crook stripping vehicles of tires. the tires are worth $2,000. >> pretty good surveillance. >> reporter: the tires are dry moving through city avenue by taco bell. no problems there this morning. let's talk about the bus stuff again, because of construction a couple of stops have been distuned. abuse route, 17, 33, 44, 62 are that stop on market eastbound between 11th and 1th not open. you have to go to the next block and walk back. 7, 43, 48 and stop at spring garden, temporarily discontinued. >> reporter: lots of clouds and
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64 degrees in philadelphia. we'll see a mixture of clouds and sun this afternoon. it will be nice this afternoon with a high of 74 degrees a couple of degrees above average. by 9:00 a.m., 67. noon, 71. even more sunshine mixing with the clouds this afternoon. by 3:00 p.m., 74. 6:00 p.m., 71 degrees, i want to show you storm tracker 6 live double scan we can see what we're tracking for the weekend. the problem is this pretty potent cold front comes moving through the area, it looks to hit in the overnight hours friday into saturday. saturday starting off rather wet. clouds and sunshine, high of 74. today, tomorrow partly sunny, 75. the rain curse in the overnight friday into saturday morning, lasts the first half of the day saturday. 74 degrees for your high, sunday, october chill and 64. >> we're learning more about the past of accused kidnapper
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jessie matthew. he has been linked to the 2009 case of morgan harrington and 2005 rape outside of washington, d.c. authorities are looking into a sexual assault at another university in virginia where matt that you briefly attended college back in 2003. >> the jury in florida's loud music retrial has kicked michael dunn of first degree murder. he fired ten shots into an suv in 2012. 17-year-old jordon davis was killed. dunn said he thought his life was in danger. >> 5:53. kevin scott is tracking new developments on that deadly ebola virus scare. a live update is minutes away. >> details on two overnight shooting that may have left two people paralyzed, updates ahead at 6:00 a.m.
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5:56 am
the time has come to put down the dark roast you've been putting up with and reach for a dunkin' donuts dark roast. bold start, smooth finish, never bitter. rejoice with the 99-cent medium hot or iced dark roast today. >> in hopes of catching the suspect investigators have released surveillance video of a robbery at a subway restaurant. it happened on the 5700 block of baltimore avenue in corroborates creek. -- cobbs creek. the clerk wasn't hurt. >> one of the greatest basketball players philadelphia ever produced is getting a stamp. wilt chamberland dominated the
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nba for a decade. he won a championship with the sixers in 1967 and played for the philadelphia warriors and the lakers. the sixers will dedicate these long stamps in did he december. a woman has won a case over marilyn monroe. the computer generated marilyn monroe has been in the work for two years. they plan to take the late star's likeness on tour. but the estate claims the use of the image without her consent is illegal. >> pepsi purchased a new beverage, but you cannot find it on store which he she feels. >>
5:58 am
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5:59 am
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snoom. >> good to see you everyone, 6:00 a.m. on this thursday, october 2. tam is off, nydia han joins us, here's what's happening. >> new details are emerging of the first-ever case of ebola diagnosed on u.s. soil. >> the investigation into the cooper health system ceo and his wife takes an on him nulls turn. police say say someone at the time the fire at their home on purpose. >> a missing texas girl feared to be gone over -- forever is found alive in another county.