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tv   Washington Journal 04262024  CSPAN  April 26, 2024 9:37am-10:03am EDT

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following member of the select committee on the strategic competition between the united states and the chinese communist party as its chair. the clerk: mr. molinaro of michigan. the speaker pro tempore: under clause 5-d of rule 20, the chair announces to the house that in light of the passing of the gentleman from new jersey, mr. payne, the whole number of the house is 429. pursuant to section 3-z of house resolution 5, the house stands adjourned until noon on monday, april 29, 2024, for morning hour debate. and 2 p.m. for legislative business. host: that was the gavel out of the pro forma session and we are back with open forum on
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washington journal until 10:00 a.m. eastern time. you can give us a call and weigh in on any thoughts and opinions about public policy or politics. the numbers are on your screen. republicans, 202-748-8001. 202-748-8000, for democrats. 202-748-8002, for independents. just for your schedule, 8:00 p.m. tomorrow which is this saturday, you can watch the white house correspondents' association annual dinner with the weekend update coanchor from "saturday night live," colin jos t. our live coverage begins at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. you can also watch on or on our free app, c-span now. later today a discussion on fostering global relationships and the possibility of a new cold war with china hosted by
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georgetown university's global dialogue and that is live at 2:00 p.m. today eastern on c-span, c-span now and and we are taking your calls for the next 20 minutes. douglas first. democrat in fairfax, south dakota. caller: good morning. i was a never trumper, and i am now a never biden. i would not vote for him if you paid me. even though i think he is trying to buy votes. it showed me his character a long time ago and the funding of genocide in gaza and now -- and not demanding an independent -- independent war crimes. taking israel's word for it is like having the murderer investigate his own crime. israel has a pretty good deal going. we give israel $3 billion every
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year, they have over 50 lobbyist groups that give the politicians 35 million dollars back in the politicians do what israel wants them to do, even going to war for them. this gives them another loan on top of whatever to commit genocide. i really do not see how anybody that can remember being treated as a second-class citizen as black people have in this country can vote provided -- divided -- tub biden and he is still able to do that to the people of palestine. he needs to stop killing people. it was bad what hamas dead. and that was terrible. killing people just needs to stop. host: douglas, do you know who you are going to vote for? caller: i am not going to vote. trump has this thing all wrapped up anyway. i am not going to even vote.
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i am staying home. host: also on the line in michigan for democrats. good morning. caller: good morning i would like to make a point this morning about i hear people say that they were better off four years ago and i wonder if they have amnesia or not remember that four years ago we were in a covid crisis, a health emergency. the one that we have once every 100 years and how badly president trump handled it. i remember seeing him on tv and talking about putting bleach in veins and telling people it will not be a serious event. it is hallowed -- hard to do it counterfactual and figure it out but he is probably responsible for hundreds of thousands of needless deaths because if we had had a good public health response we could have had a better outcome. we were not better four years ago and he badly blew a very important event in our history. thank you. host: dan in westbrook, maine.
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republican. caller: hello, this is dan. i called regarding a color that called in earlier today to spoke to you with regards to the poor people that testified to congress with regards to january 6. and she was insistent that you have not replayed it often enough. and i agree with her. and her sense of a. and that you sort of pooh-poohed her comment in regards to the four people that testified. you probably have not heard what she has talked about herself. that is not condemning you. it is c-span, i'm sure it was a couple of hours long. but colonel matthews and brigadier general dean, sergeant michael brooks. all of these guys are retired.
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they testified at the confusion that was going on january 6. and who was doing and who was not doing what. and i have not heard a thing about this in the news lately. or, since it aired, i have not seen anything. i agree with her, no one is talking about it because it really vindicates trump with what regards to what happened on the sixth. host: this is the testimony of the d.c. national guard that you are talking about? caller: it was not the national guard. these guys were from the washington, d.c. -- the people responsible for taking care of the capital. that is who it was. the capitol police. host: richard in elkins, arkansas. independent. go ahead. caller: hello, i have not called for a little while but i have
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noticed that you have been avoiding the college campus protests and it is just about trump. anyway. if i were a student in one of those colleges i would be suing the college, the organizers of the protests and anybody's name that i could get in the protest for compromising and ruining my education. these people are going to virtual. if they wanted virtual they would've signed up for a virtual college. but no, these protesters are ruining many other people's educations. and i do not think that is right. and they said -- they should be suing them. that is my experience today. host: we are not avoiding it. it is here on "the wall street journal" with the headline campuses titan grip as -- tighten grip as demonstration
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spread. "the class of 2024 has been defined by isolation and ended in anger." bob in idaho. republican. caller: yes. that is close to yellowstone national park and grand teton national park. danielle was your previous guest -- daniel was your previous guest and you have had a number of people with a high degree of education and so forth. what i noticed with daniel he kept telling me what i know already. and he repeated the phrase you know constantly every few words. while he was speaking. and i find that other educated people are doing the same thing. and to tell me that i know, then why should i listen to daniel if he wants to repeatedly tell me that i already know? so you know, sometimes you know
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is a word you know, you have to repeat, so that you know you need to be reminded that you know you know. host: i know. idaho falls, idaho. democrat. caller: i want to talk about the supreme court. i am just wondering, the way that some of -- actually i would say the republicans, i guess they are. i am like why do they want to talk about what was there before them, that came before them? and if they are wanting to talk about the future, they could've talked about that too.
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they did not want to talk about what is there before them. and i think that is like leaving that out. why do you accept that if they are not going to talk about what is right before them. so i am thinking that they are questioning and it seems like they are doing something that is illegal. meaning that they are ok with -- not with trump and what he has done but let us move on. host: got that. jess in michigan. independent. good morning. caller: good morning. i just want to tell the whole country and the whole world take a deep breath and count to 10, we have been through this party before, everything is just fine and keep your head, stay cool
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and use the constitution the right way. no mostly peaceful demonstrations with fire in the background, just chill out. everything is good. and yes. the democratic form of representation is messy and sloppy and everything. but you know what? eventually when you work together, everything is fine. i grew up with kennedy being assassinated, his brother being assassinated, martin luther king being assassinated. this is going to be a trip. in chicago the democratic convention, i hope it does not repeat itself but whew, party time. host: since you are an independent in a swing state i am curious as to if you have decided who are you going to vote for?
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caller: trump all the way. host: robert in galveston, texas. democrat. good morning. caller: good morning, how are you doing? host: ok. caller: i just called in to say i listen to c-span every day. and there are a lot of people spewing things, but they do not have no proof. my thing is, in less you have proof, concrete proof do not say something. people call in saying that people that are up here making laws and stuff, they are speaking what they think, but my thing is you do not know what is going on until you have been in that situation. like i said, he who has sin cast
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the first stone. we need to turn back to god almighty and pray to god to get this thing right because we are living in perilous times and people need to be kind to one another, just do not say something you heard, make sure it is true. talk what you know and testify what you see. people just spewing innuendos, lies, and alibis. god is sitting up there and watching us. everybody listen in the sound of my voice. know that god is in control and you are doing the right thing. if you cannot help somebody, do not hurt them, leave them alone. host: just for your knowledge, this is the associated press, secretary blinken is in china and here is the headline, antony blinken meets with president xi as a u.s. and china spar over bilateral and global issues. and jess in springfield, new
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jersey. independent. caller: good morning. my question is this. did this country lose our soul? we are talking about an ex-president who is on trial, who has committed many crimes that everyone is saying. i get that everyone is wrong and he is the only one that is innocent. you have people saying how bad these are the things that he has done and he is still running for president? are we this desperate to have a criminal becoming our president? that is my question. and the world is laughing at us. i came to this country has a little boy from europe. and i have people over there saying that they would elect -- we are a laughing stock of the whole world. that is my question. host: al is in los angeles,
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democrat. good morning. caller: good morning. i just want to make a couple of quick points, one is on abortion. the undoing of roe v. wade, the primary effect that it has is on rural women and rural young women and families where it presents them a financial disparity. you know, if you are a wealthy individual or someone of means you are able to send your daughter off to a vacation to have an abortion. if you don't, you are kind of stuck, you know with no option. and the other thing that i want to talk about is that i do not understand how people support
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the -- president trump and his party when they are in support of flying confederate fat -- confederate flags. i do not understand how people of color will support a party that puts at front and center. that is why it -- that is what i have to say. host: jerry in hiawatha, kansas. independent. caller: i was going to say, much like the last caller, he has a typical democrat with double standards and no justice for the other side. we keep talking about trump, what about president biden and the imposter that has taken money from china? you and i know it. it is actual facts. it is not the russia collusion falsely accused on trump, and we talk about election interference. the hunter biden laptop was true.
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all of the media and the democrats said that it was not. and that had a big effect on the election. here we are talking about trump paying hush money and calling it election interference. we know the facts. imposter biden had business dealings and he denied it. he lied. and he took documents home that were classified and he was not president. president trump was the president and he had the right to declassified. the democrats do not talk about hillary. she interfered with the elections. she denied that trump won and on top of that she took all of the dnc's money from bernie. when we talk about watergate, there are plenty of democrats running around that have not been tried for anything. the last caller talked about abortion. i would like to ask him the important thing is the baby's
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life. what horrific crimes have babies committed that we give them the death penalty. that is more important than women's choices. they treat roe v. wade like our founding fathers put that in and an amendment. they did not. roe v. wade went back to the states because that is where they should be. gun rights are in the states and that should be a national law because it is an amendment. we have the right to carry his arms and it is not to be infringed upon. just like joe biden, he talks about and he ran for president because of the kkk and their tiki torches and they had throbbing veins and their next. why has biden turned tail on the jews and he supports the hamas people that have throbbing veins that are throwing cement cocktails and beating up
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our police. host: we got it. let us go to body in pennsylvania, -- buddy in pennsylvania. republican. go ahead. caller: number one my father was a marine and he said people people -- people people are -- evil people are just evil. in palestine they are taught how to exterminate jews. what are they supposed to do? number two, i was there on january 6. ok? and we said to the police officers this is ridiculous, they were out of control. i do not get that. but you want to talk about the democrats. it is you guys that burned down
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police stations and police cars, federal buildings. burns down businesses and looted business as and say gas the jews. let me ask you a question, where where the red hats and shirts? there were no red hats and shirts. they were all democrats. host: when you say that you are at the capital on january 6, what did you do? did you go into the building? caller: now i did not go in. i did not go in the building. but we said to the police officers this was ridiculous, this is out of control. we said this, and then the guy with the blue face and the horns , he was not going to take over america. but he went to nancy pelosi's desk and prayed. and then they went in there and took pictures. host: so when did you leave the
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grounds? caller: when did i leave? i left after everything got ridiculous and i said this is way out of control and this is stupid and down. but, remember you guys did worse. you burned down federal buildings, police cars, police stations and beat up people. you guys looted buildings and you bailed them out. i do not get it. and you know, nobody in the world, nobody in the world fears biden. he is a joke. he is a joke. nobody fears him. so why not china take over taiwan? why not in africa and afghanistan what happened? why not russia takeover -- russia will take over nato because i do not fear biden.
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host: one more call. ted in idaho, democrat. good morning. caller: yes. i just wanted to say that donald trump was a fraud, and i think he belongs in jail. thank you. host: ok. that was a quick call and we are at the end of the program. i want to thank everyone for calling in and joining us on social media and watching. we will be back tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. eastern time. have a great day. ♪ [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> friday night, watch c-span's 2024 campaign trail, a weekly
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